Author Charles E Wells


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Whispering Pines is a unique suspense/paranormal series created by author Charles Wells. He takes you inside a plausible world of paranormal tinged suspense, bone jarring excitement, and nail chewing drama. With over half a million words scattered over (soon to be) ten novel length books, the stories offer highly enjoyable reading and morally agreeable characters wrapped inside family oriented reading for all ages.

The saga begins in Georgia, the Empire State of the South, but forget sterotypical rednecks. These southern flavored citizens of the south are far from uneducated illiterates sitting on the porch playing banjos. The reader, who is strong enough and willing, is absorbed into the family of characters quickly. Meeting the criteria of high morals includes a stand your ground and defend your beliefs personality that is rare and uncommon in today's real world. That means the weak of character need not apply to read Whispering Pines because in that world, there are few gray areas of the law and definitely no room for misfits. Anyone not up to snuff will find it best to stay on the porch and not try to run, hunt and fight with the big dogs of West Creek County.


Charles Wells, says it best. "Our world of today is filled with gray areas of moral law and conviction to our fellow humans. The few of us who dare to draw lines in the sand and stand our ground, usually end up scorned and assaulted by those who thrive on the greed, confusions, and blurred boundaries otherwise. In my world of Whispering Pines, those who try to smear the rules of humanity end up the outcasts and the characters in my stories, people of high morality and rightfulness, are the true heroes. That's how life should be and that's how life is when you join me in one of the WP novels."




Author Charles E Wells

"If it is not fun to write then it will not be fun to read"
Charles E Wells

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